Chapter 2 Functions

This is a suplementary material for the corresponding lesson from Python for Everybody.

2.1 Lecture on Functions

20S198891 U04 functions 01 duplications
duration: 16:30
20S198891 U04 functions 02 functions
duration: 07:56
20S198891 U04 functions 03 scopes
duration: 16:22
20S198801 U04 L05 functions import
duration: 08:31
20S198891 U04 functions 04 comments
duration: 10:11
total duration: 59:30


2.2 Exercises on Functions

  • Program / SQFeet’s video is silent on purpose, you should read the description instead of listening
  • Exercises / Reuse is explained in the lecture video
  • Best Practices / Docstring is explained in the lecture video
20S198891 U04 functions 10 demo tasks
duration: 03:02
198801 U06 Functions Programs SqFeet demo
duration: 03:05
total duration: 06:07


  • the material is provided in OLAT